Tag: joy

  • Ice Cream Dreaming

    Today’s Daily Prompt was: “Describe the unhealthiest meal you’ve ever eaten. How did you feel afterwards?” I probably can’t dredge up the True Answer to this question, being the one that could be verified by friends and family. It probably includes nachos, though. I will, nonetheless, tell you about my favourite unhealthy meal, because it…

  • Observations on an Urban Campus

    30,000 people live, work, and study here. It is a university. If you were to walk into the soaring atrium of the central campus building, and were to stand for a moment, and really notice where you were, you would know that you had entered a temple. In ancient days such an edifice would be…

  • The Ecstasy of the Dance

    … and then, halfway through the evening, the dance floor cleared. And I found myself hovering at the edge of an empty floor, with a great DJ and some hot music, and I finally didn’t care. I didn’t care who was watching, I didn’t care if I could do it, I didn’t care that I…

  • Aging, Wrinkles and True Love

    Although Sundays are not going to become Stan Rogers day, here is another. I’ve been seeing the wrinkles on my face progressing over the last few years, in a way that is becoming less forgiving every year. It used to mean that I was stressed, or dehydrated, but they are becoming my everyday companion. Here…

  • Gluons Make me Dance

    Why teaching about gluons made me hop up and down in front of a class of undergraduates.

  • Why Dilettante?

    Dilettante: (according to Merriam Webster): an admirer or lover of the arts a person having a superficial interest in an art or a branch of knowledge When I first drafted this post, I began with a list of the projects and activities that I have worked on, played with, or investigated since July, but it…

  • Watching out for Joy

    I am surprised to find that the first thing I started to do with this blog was look for joy. I want to explore possibility, sources of hope, people doing the Good Work that needs to be done. But as soon as I started looking for things that were good about the world, I started…

  • Strawberries!

    I just picked up the strawberries that will turn into jam, strawberry shortcake, strawberry-rhubarb pie, and give us a little spark of summer in January. Summer, summer fruitiness! Everything is extra sweet this week.

  • The Beauty of The Beach

    Yesterday was the first really warm day of the summer. Since we are primarily occupied with looking after children and growing plants, we usually spend the nice days trying to get the children to help us grow plants. Yesterday, however, we took the day off to go to the beach. It’s such a traditional summer…

  • Loving the loons

    A love song for the land I live on.