Author: seonaid

  • By Its Cover 2

    On my quest to resurrect little used books and expose myself to some new authors, the next book on the list is: Everybody Knows This is Nowhere. John McFetridge It’s another Toronto book. That was an accident, I swear. It may just be that the obscure authors that don’t circulate are all Canadian. Could have…

  • Persistent or Stubborn?

    Only time will tell. I just planted asparagus for the fourth time. I think… it might have been the fifth time. Despite all evidence to the contrary, I’m sure that this set is going to be the one that takes. As I was digging, amending, adding perlite, building up the beds rather than trenching, chasing…

  • Review: Acting the Giddy Goat

    As I mentioned in an earlier post, I am reviewing old books that have been languishing on the shelves. I am picking these books entirely by the content of their covers (no peeking inside), to determine for my own edification whether one can, in fact, judge a book by its cover. So far, so good.…

  • Gratitude in the World

    The last four years have been an opportunity for me to explore my gratitude for the work that is done in the world on my behalf. I was finishing off the buttons on a pair of pajamas for my daughter last evening, and I was thinking about what an ‘economically’ unviable activity it was. In…

  • Not the Best Farm Day

    So, after the debacle with the greenhouse on Sunday, and reassurance from the farming community yesterday, this morning was spent taking the plastic off the defunct frame so that I can reuse it on a sturdier frame. While I was trucking the remains of the greenhouse back to the shed, I discovered the feathery remains…

  • Well, That Blows

    Today’s post: a little more with the practical, a little less with the dilettante. Yesterday morning was entirely consumed with attempting to rescue the greenhouse from the dying throes of winter. Despite nigh-Herculean efforts, we were not successful. However, I think we kept our cool throughout most of the situation, and I was able to…

  • Winter Has Been Reading Dylan Thomas

    That’s the only possible explanation. I had to park my van on the plastic on the south side of the greenhouse while I trundled 12 loads of concrete blocks down from the back of the property to place along the edge… y’know. In place of the van that I’m going to need for getting to…

  • What We Need

    Alex Steffen on Worldchanging had this to say recently (in the middle of a much longer piece on the need for sustainability to focus on resilient, complex, urban solutions) “See, I’m more and more convinced that the idea we as individuals, or little pocket communities, or small towns can lead the way to sustainability on…

  • By Its Cover 1

    This time I am making myself post my book choice *before* reading it. The book of the week is Acting the Giddy Goat: I picked it out because it is a trade paper back (sorry, it’s true… that’s why it won this week). I really prefer holding TPB’s, since I usually read lying in bed,…

  • Book Review: The Disorder of Longing

    While shelving at the not-so-tiny library the other day, I realized that all of the older books did, in fact, look pretty much the same. You can’t judge them simply by looking at them. This is in stark contrast to a recent claim that I made to a patron that I’ve had rather a lot…

  • Choices and the Back of my Car

    I just had to clear out the back of the car so that it will have space for picking up people at the end of the day. The contents are highly reflective of the choices I have been making recently. The back seat contained: a chainsaw, an extension cord (orange, 50 feet), a case of…

  • A Mom Who Blogs?

    Just to be clear: I understand that I’m just about nobody in the “blogosphere”, so my reaction to the “Moms who blog” furor that recently hit after the NYT scoffed at us is a little less intense than that of women who are doing it for a living, as a calling, or for other reasons…