Weekly Photo Challenge: Mountains

Seriously? Mountains? I’ve GOT those!

Hoodoos in the Alberta Badlands:


Banff from the top of Tunnel Mountain:

And evidence that I was, in fact, with my children on this trip:

Only, it looks green-screened. I swear, this is a real picture. It’s even from this week. 🙂

Top of Sulphur Mountain, gotten to via the Banff gondola. Expensive, but we declared it officially worth the price of admission.

We also drove up Revelstoke, but there’s a series of photos to follow.

2 responses to “Weekly Photo Challenge: Mountains”

  1. The whole of Banff looks like it’s been green-screened! 🙂 It’s a totally amazing place. We drove from Vancouver to Regina and back this summer – 3916km total. And that’s only a little bit of Canada compared to your trip! How are your kids holding up with all the driving?