The books that haunt me

Can’t write, reading!

Books on the desk…

Books on the wee table next to the desk:

The books I removed from the end table that have no shelf to go to:

The books I added to the end table:

And to finish it all off, the blank books that await filling:


4 responses to “The books that haunt me”

    • I’m afraid that if I had a digital reading pile I wouldn’t even know where to start. I must say, also, I have a weakness for the physical form of the book. When I started this blog, I was doing a little sequence called “by its cover” in which I reviewed books that I read based only on their cover art. I have a theory that you can actually judge a book by its cover these days, since they are all very different. Someday, I might get an e-reader, if only because they will probably stop publishing paper books and magazines. But I’ll do so grudgingly. 🙂