Tag: PostADay2011

  • Weekly Photo Challenge: Spring Cleaning

    It is the time of the year when young beekeepers minds turn to thoughts of honey. Not harvesting honey, not honey for people, but… whether there is going to be enough honey left in the hive to keep the bees alive until the flowers are in bloom. It is a great sadness to get the…

  • The Troll and the Farmers Market

    alternately titled: “Be Careful, She Might Have a Blog.” Today somebody walked up to my table at the market, picked up a jar of my spices, said, “That’s too expensive,” and banged it back down onto the table. This was  the first time that somebody has been that abrupt about it in three years, and…

  • You know what stat I really want?

    This is a self-referential post, although I have managed to avoid making it recursive. For now. Check back later. I have been watching the stats on my blog with interest. (Oh, c’mon, bloggers. You know you do it, too.) They have been increasing consistently since I started posting on a regular basis last fall, and…

  • Being the Good Enough Mother

    I had an odd experience yesterday: I had a moment of feeling… oh… what’s the word? I’ve felt it before, but it is rare and fleeting. Ah, yes. That’s it… accomplished! And what  brought me to this strange state of affairs? It was nothing more than what I read about other people doing every day.…

  • Review: Anathem

    Welcome to the third month of the Once A Month Book Club! This month we have been reading fantasy stories, which are those “featuring magic paranormal magic and terrible monsters”. Wow, wonder if J.K Rowling used that as a checklist? Don’t forget to check out the links at the bottom of the page to find…

  • Off My Game

    I keep starting new posts, and they get so big and out of control and problematic, and I’ve written myself into a corner and I can’t find my way back out and, OH! It is the sheer amount of input. I’m overwhelmed, trying to make sense of natural disasters, a flood of articles sent my…

  • Signs of Spring

    1. We can find the remaining firewood (it’s all in disarray because we finally had to get the plow in, and it was by the edge of the driveway): 2. Sliding now involves an actual slide: 3. The garden beds are reappearing. We’re thinking cranberries: 4. The annual construction season has started: 5. Dreams of…

  • Frankenstein

    From time to time I find myself wanting to repeat a tweet I made several months ago that looked something like this: “Didn’t all these people have to read Frankenstein in highschool?” In this case, “from time to time” means “several times a week.” Here are some words that I think should be included in…

  • The Story of Me Us

    Via Chris Brogan, who said that it is important to keep telling the story of you to new readers. And probably to old ones, too. Below is the comment I left in response to the original post on Chris Brogan’s site. I know? Bold, eh? Hey, he asked. I’m a relative newcomer to “New Media,”…

  • Talking Vaginas

    Oddly enough, this post is not the G-rated stuff of my normal daily routine. Please consider yourself warned. Although it’s almost entirely about acting, not sex. I went back onstage this week after a near-14-year hiatus. And what did I use to get my acting chops back in gear? Did I, perchance, go out for…

  • Blogging our voyages

    PostAday Bonus! Originally titled, “Still True” (From the XKCD Site: This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5 License. This means you’re free to copy and share these comics (but not to sell them). More details.) Last night I dreamed that I was driving around the world with my children. I was picking…

  • Morning with The Dilettante

    I am gazing out the window at my cat. He is doing something in the snow. Sniffing, investigating. He sits and stares across the river. I wonder. How does he decide what to do next? How does he choose which scent to indulge, follow, investigate? Can he be said to have will? I turn to…