Playing Catch Up

I would like to be an organized person, but I seem to need to be a flexible person instead. Yesterday, I had three things on my list to be done between 4:00 and 6:00, one of which was to carve the pumpkins that my two older kids had to take to school this morning. But at 3:45, I got a call from the husband saying, “Oh, I can’t do the daycare pickup today. I have a thing at 6.” I checked the calendar: “It says 7.” “Yeah, but I forgot this thing at 6.”

Long and short – pumpkins were carved at 8 this morning, AFTER the kids hadn’t taken the bus to school. Then I took them to school with carved pumpkins, so by 9 this morning, I was still accommodating last evening’s wrench.

On the plus side, it looks like a lot of people read my post about Maura Kelly being wrong. And my evening plans for the meal exchange went ahead, so I have a casserole in my fridge in addition to the muffins that my father finished making for me when I dashed out the door to the daycare at 4:35. Thank goodness for the flexing of the other people around me… and the extra hands from my parents who are visiting. And my neighbour who dropped by and helped carve pumpkins before breakfast. And the fact that my father knows how to bake.

Today, I will try to Do Less Stuff.