Tag: balance

  • Five Years and Thirty Courses Later

    After several years of false starts, I finally finished a project for my business and launched it. Now I’m afraid to tell anyone. If you have been around a while, you probably know that I’ve set off down several paths of self-employment, but eventually balked, changed my mind, and started over. I have hinted at…

  • Multipotentiality: It’s a Thing

    Originally published elsewhere, but since nobody paid me for it, and I didn’t transfer copyright, I disavow the very possibility of being able to plagiarize my own work. Especially since I use Creative Commons licensing. So there. Even though it’s a fairly new word in my world, multipotentiality surrounds me. And although I’ve seen some…

  • Parenting Towards Enlightenment

    We, a class of aspiring yoga teachers, are sitting on the floor of the meditation hall at the ashram in India when the conversation turns to the conflict between practice and parenting. “But how,” asks one of the men, “do you work with being here when your children are somewhere else? You have to worry…

  • Serial Having it All

    Several years ago, I was in the midst of a frantic time. I was working, going to school, still nursing a baby, up all night, getting up and driving to work at 6:30, getting home at 7:00 (or later), living on fast food and coffee, and generally… well. Frantic. And out of shape. Very out…

  • Rolling With It

    Yesterday, I passed a test, I think. First, I managed to lock myself out of the library at which I am the sole employee. Specifically, I left the key in my car, which my husband borrowed and then failed to return at the expected time. When I went to get the spare key, the keeper…

  • The Illusion of Choicelessness

    I first wrote this title down several months ago, but that was how far that particular post went. This week, however, I had a moment on the cushion when I realized that I really could do everything completely differently. I am not trapped by promises and contracts, I choose to uphold them. I could: Sell…

  • On the Care and Feeding of Trolls

    Warning: Contains obscenities, which is almost completely uncharacteristic for me. Just in case you care. I got a troll on twitter. Just one, and it was mild, and I did not deign to reply. I chose instead to revert to my sister’s IRL approach (which she brilliantly came up with at 14, I might add.)…

  • Playing Catch Up

    I would like to be an organized person, but I seem to need to be a flexible person instead. Yesterday, I had three things on my list to be done between 4:00 and 6:00, one of which was to carve the pumpkins that my two older kids had to take to school this morning. But…

  • Twenty Years of Boredom

    30 minute challenge – Q&D blog post… I have been having a renewed relationship with lyrics and poetry of late (and when I say ‘of late’, I mean for the last 4 years or so.) I find myself reaching for snippets of poetry when faced with difficult ideas, situations, concepts… My high school English teachers…

  • The Dance of Balance

    Welcome to the October Carnival of Natural Parenting: Staying Centered, Finding Balance This post was written for inclusion in the monthly Carnival of Natural Parenting hosted by Code Name: Mama and Hobo Mama. This month our participants have shared how they stay centered and find balance. Please read to the end to find a list…