Tag: gratitude

  • In Which The User of The Magical Power Grid Meets the Gnomes

    Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. Arthur C. Clarke …except when it isn’t. Me This morning a tree fell on the power lines down the road from my house. It was raining, and dark, and generally unpleasant outside. But within an hour of my awaking, power was restored, and all was good. Flicker,…

  • Writing as a Gratitude Practice

    I walked into my own “library” last fall, before I started writing in earnest, and standing there, I was overcome with a moment of gratitude for those who have come before, and who have had the kindness to write it all down. I realized that I have before me more of the vastness of human…

  • Playing Catch Up

    I would like to be an organized person, but I seem to need to be a flexible person instead. Yesterday, I had three things on my list to be done between 4:00 and 6:00, one of which was to carve the pumpkins that my two older kids had to take to school this morning. But…