Category: Creative

  • It’s All Life

    You will be pleased to hear that I signed up for a writing challenge to lay out the Quest for 2016 over the course of the month of December. (I presume you will be pleased, since you are bothering to read. If you are not pleased, please pass by. We are a hedge.) It’s not…

  • Five Years and Thirty Courses Later

    After several years of false starts, I finally finished a project for my business and launched it. Now I’m afraid to tell anyone. If you have been around a while, you probably know that I’ve set off down several paths of self-employment, but eventually balked, changed my mind, and started over. I have hinted at…

  • Surfing (Metaphorically)

    I have long wanted to learn to surf, although I’m also terrified of it. (There are a lot of things like that in my life.) Please take this post as metaphor-from-a-distance, because watching other people surf has still given me some insight into how my life flows. First thing, before you can do awesome jumpy…

  • Re-Presentation

    I used this title for a unit I once designed on hybrid learning. We (as instructors/artists/writers) gather information, and knowledge, and patterns, and meta information about how we validate the information, and knowledge, and patterns. Then we turn it back out into the world, re-presenting (representing. Or if you’re all post-structural, (re)presenting.) “This is the world…

  • Voila! Instant Art!

    I’m taking a Coursera course about art concepts, and this week the assignment was to create an environmental installation piece. Since I had it up, photographed, and down within 10 minutes, I felt that I should share it more broadly… give it a chance to breathe, as it were. So, without further ado, Garden Party!…

  • Poem: My Missing Skin

    I think I left my skin somewhere. How else to explain This longing, yearning To return to the sea the sky the land To crawl through the undergrowth Belly-ground touching, Scales tingling with Anticipation Oh, to eat Unencumbered To fly, knowing that This is all there is! To leap, fully alive, From the depths and…

  • Poem: Hidden Knowledge

    Hidden Knowledge In a clearing in the woods On a cliff overlooking the ocean In a cave in the mountains Someone waits. She has the answer you seek, In the hut, In the cottage, In the cave You would not notice her If you passed her in the street. She has mastered the art of…

  • Another Poem

    I swear I will get back to prose some day. But the poems are waking me up. So I write them down. Sometimes, The Wind Sometimes when I leave my home Triumphant, With six things perfectly balanced, The door is torn from my hand And I rail. The wind, the wind! It is a character…

  • A Poem for Perspective

    The Dawn of Understanding (I Hope) At the point of urgency, The call to action, When I Know that Everything I’ve done until Now Has been mere Preparation for this Moment It happens that I Stop. And I realize that Those moments of mere Preparation, were (in their time) the Most Important Thing.

  • Not in New York

    I went on a meditation semi-retreat this weekend. (That is, we went and studied/meditated all day, and then went home in between.) Like all my experiences of retreat, it was a lot like getting sandblasted. Gently. At the end of the first day, I went home and I cried. I felt so lonely, and I…

  • Poem: Grown-up School

    Grown-Up School “I must have missed this day,” I think, Trying to coax sugar-water, Peanut butter, Mashed banana into my daughter’s sick Rat. I think that, sometimes. Maybe a sick day cost me The essential knowledge of How to find my Right Life, Retrieve my missing Socks, or Live with the consequences of Breaking someone’s…

  • There are silver linings, really there are

    On the plus side, the four hours of repacking I’ve done today have been rendered much more a) urgent, and b) effective by the necessity of abandoning the rental car a day earlier than expected. I had vain hopes of being able to consolidate our carryings into something amenable to taking the bus. To that…