Category: Creative

  • A Better World

    A Better World

    I have two main offers. On the one hand, I talk about tech ethics with companies and organizations. On the other, I do the foundational work of coming to terms with our places in the world. Here’s how those two things come together.

  • Condensed Sunlight

    Condensed Sunlight

    We are condensed sunlight, breathing condensed sunlight, basking in (not condensed) sunlight, forged in cosmic fire, conversing with stars.

  • I Miss Blogging

    I Miss Blogging

    Do you remember when blogging was fun?

  • Your (My) True Calling

    I had so much success with last year’s projects prompted by Quest 2016, that I’ve decided to do it again. Join us at Today’s prompt is from Krista Tippett (1). As the host of On Being, she challenges us regularly to consider the mysteries of human existence. “What is your vocation, your sense of callings…

  • My Imaginary Life

    We always held that books contain ideas, and ideas need air to survive. I come from a long line of wandering tinker/librarians. We roamed from town to town in our horse-drawn wagons full of books, bringing the mysteries of life to all who needed them. It was a non-agrarian life, but we were well-versed in…

  • Two Stories

    Quest2016 Prompt #12 What’s the story you most desire to bring to life in 2016? What’s the story your just-right client most desires to bring to life in 2016? Where do your two stories overlap? Today’s (okay, technically last month’s) prompt comes via Jen Louden, a wise sage, and generally helpful for providing guides to living.…

  • How to Weigh What Matters

    “Life” seemed to be the clear answer. Until I thought about it more, and it wasn’t.

  • I Shall Stop Flapping My Hands

    What can you stop doing in 2016 such that it would allow you to focus on higher payoff activities? Continuing on the #quest2016… Today’s prompt is from John Jantsch, from Duct Tape Marketing. I’ll admit that “payoff” is not generally top of my mind as I apportion my time. I once wrote an blog post about saving $2 an hour by…

  • Perspective Vortex

    Would they miss you if you were gone? What would have to change for that question to lead to a better answer? (Today’s prompt is from Seth Godin, of Seth Godin fame.) I would be missed. Of that I am sure. Just probably not by “them.” There would be no fanfare, no news item. I have…

  • Dreaming

    The software I’m building is designed to share the wealth, to spread the benefits around. It is software informed by permaculture principles, and by my earlier work looking at the ethics of technical decision making. It is pragmatic and romantic at the same time. Holding this dream requires me to hold those two truths simultaneously…

  • Same Me, Different Year?

    On my continuing quest to make 2016 the awesomest year yet, I give you… yet another writing prompt! Today’s prompt comes from Tina Seelig… whose profile at Stanford made me say “Wow!” about 14 times. Seriously. That is some whoa-making-impressive stuff right there. Without further ado, I shall follow the prompt of a person who is…

  • If I Couldn’t Fail…

    How would you do business as unusual in 2016 if you knew – no matter what you chose – you would not fail? #Quest2016 @debbiemillman I would be profligate! I would not be frugal with my time or my resources. I would not even be merely generous. I would give away my ideas, cast them to…