Cheese, comma, pictures of.

I was having a hard day of writing earlier in the week, and I wrote (in an early draft of one of my posts), “It’s OK. If this doesn’t work out, I can just post a picture of a cheese tray or something.” Then I realised that I do, in fact, have a recent picture of a cheese tray made by a lovely librarian friend of mine for our solstice party.

And so, without further ado, a picture of a cheese tray. Tres chic. Tres sculptural. Tres cheesy.

Gruyere, Havarti and 2 Year old Cheddar, if you were wondering. It was a precursor to the vegetarian moussaka, which also contained cheese:

And the baked brie (which, like the moussaka, looked better before we ate it.) You guessed it, more cheese:

Baked brie, after the mice.

And then we rolled home. Or to bed, depending on where we needed to finish the evening.