Tag: travel

  • Escape Fantasies

    I am a master of the art of the escape fantasy. I have read a long list of books by people who ventured around the world, walked out their door and didn’t turn back, moved to other countries, or took on absurdly ambitious adventures. I am particularly partial to stories of circumnavigations. So when I was…

  • Permaculture and Me

    I am pleased to announce that I have just returned from the spectacular Vancouver Island to the also spectacular, if colder, Cape Breton Island, bearing a new Certificate in Permaculture Design: I can’t tell you how excited I am to show you this. Also, isn’t it pretty? A couple of weeks ago, I undertook the…

  • When in Rishikesh…

    All unannounced, (at least in blog-land) I went to India for a month last fall to study yoga and Ghandian philosophy. I couldn’t admit it to my blog, because then I would have had to admit it to myself, and I was having to sneak around my fears to be able to get myself to…

  • About That Beer…

    Remember when I told you that I got lost on the way to a major national monument, and took 45 minutes to go the last kilometer on foot, and that I wouldn’t tell you the story without beer? I totally lied, because I looked at the pictures again. Seriously, how could I resist this: “It’s…

  • Just The Highlights, Ma’am

    My daughter assures me that this was the best part of the trip across Canada: She was also impressed with the ground squirrels, Richardson and otherwise: To sum up, the best thing about Canada is apparently the abundance of small furry animals. She also was highly focused on playgrounds and opportunities for swimming. These were…

  • Notes on the End of a Trip

    Here we find ourselves in Vancouver, and I’m alternating between thinking that my kids are going to get bored (since they now are wanting nothing more than to watch TV until their eyes fall out), or that we didn’t leave enough time at all to explore a new city. This evening, my son said, “I…

  • There are silver linings, really there are

    On the plus side, the four hours of repacking I’ve done today have been rendered much more a) urgent, and b) effective by the necessity of abandoning the rental car a day earlier than expected. I had vain hopes of being able to consolidate our carryings into something amenable to taking the bus. To that…

  • The technology I miss most

    After six weeks on the road, I anticipated being tired of having to fetch water. As it happens, when my children were so pleased to discover flush toilets yesterday, I had just thought, “Yes! No boil water advisory! Let’s hear it for drinking water!” I left home with a high end water filter, but in…

  • I hear there are these phone things

    I just would like to announce that my 5 weeks of being offline have led me to purchase a smart phone.  This is where I am: Technology is quite mad, you know. I don’t know how to stand the picture up, yet.

  • So It Goes

    Day 22… or Day 4, depending on how you count. Here I find myself in Wawa, Ontario. Wawa wasn’t on the list, but things being what they are, it is where we wound up when it got dark and moose-y last night. I finally left the comfortable environs of friends and family on Thursday, landing…

  • Catching Up (1)

    I have reached the “avoiding the heat in southern Ontario” stage of the trip. It’s not yet nine o’clock, and it is already too hot to do anything outside. The trailer is fairly cool, but the house we are visiting is not air conditioned, so we are sitting in front of the fan and wilting.…