Tag: PostADay2011

  • Writing as a Gratitude Practice

    I walked into my own “library” last fall, before I started writing in earnest, and standing there, I was overcome with a moment of gratitude for those who have come before, and who have had the kindness to write it all down. I realized that I have before me more of the vastness of human…

  • On the Nightstand

    Yesterday was all write-y. It took three days. Today, you get a list so I have more time for the next big thing. The books on my nightstand (including the magazine rack at the bottom that became necessary for spillover): Eaarth, Bill McKibben Meditation for Beginners, Jack Kornfield Darkspell, Katharine Kerr Nelly & Caesar: Jumping,…

  • Exotic Spices meet Local Food

    Right this moment, I’m waiting for the motor on my spice grinder to cool down so that I can make another batch of curry powder to take to our local farmer’s market. In a much earlier post, I wrote about the challenges we face balancing our desires for local, organic, sustainably produced, and healthy food…

  • Aging, Wrinkles and True Love

    Although Sundays are not going to become Stan Rogers day, here is another. I’ve been seeing the wrinkles on my face progressing over the last few years, in a way that is becoming less forgiving every year. It used to mean that I was stressed, or dehydrated, but they are becoming my everyday companion. Here…

  • Something Scary Every Day

    I hear that you should do something that scares you every day. I don’t know who says this, but I hear it. This has been a good month for that; I started sending out freelance articles, offered a rewrite when the first one was rejected instead of wallowing in self-doubt, sent off a proposal for…

  • Winter Evergreen

    Outside my back door:

  • Car Makes another Play for the Bank Account!

    Last fall, I went to purchase a mattress for the youngest member of our family. I went to the furniture store, gave them my number, and then realized that I had left my wallet at home, so I said I would come back for it the next day. I went out, got into my car,…

  • What is True?

    Follow your dreams! Do what you love and the money will follow! The universe has a plan. What makes you so special? Everybody else just sucks it up and goes to work. The universe is meaningless. There is a God, and we know what He wants. There is no God. There might be a god,…

  • Not Your Regular Blog Tips

    This post is intended for those of you who have signed up to provide the world with a post every day. For the year. First, just let me ask: What were you thinking? (My answer is over here.) Since you’ve signed up for the ultramarathon of blogging, I wanted to share with you some of…

  • I Love You. Whatever that means.

    I find myself in the car, caught up in deep conversation, and I am hit by a wave of emotion. I look at my partner sitting next to me, and I put my hand on his knee. “I love you.” He grins. Then I say, “Even though I have no idea what that means.” And…

  • How HGTV Made me a Capitalist for 4 Hours

    For a completely abnormal weekend, I ran off to Halifax sans enfants, and stayed up all night Friday night, drinking. I believe my last drink was handed to me shortly before 5:30, just under the wire for the boundary between late-night and early-morning alcohol. Phew. Wouldn’t want to cross that particular line. After this night…

  • Keeping On Keeping On

    I’m not supposed to be here. Well, I’m supposed to be here, at my desk. But I’m supposed to be over there, in my word processor, working on my proposal for a radio documentary on E.F. Schumacher and appropriate technologies. But man. Demoralized. Here I am, reading a book that was published the year I…