Tag: PostADay2011

  • Ten Fundamentals

    Welcome to the March Carnival of Natural Parenting: Natural Parenting Top 10 Lists This post was written for inclusion in the monthly Carnival of Natural Parenting hosted by Hobo Mama and Code Name: Mama. This month our participants have shared Top 10 lists on a wide variety of aspects of attachment parenting and natural living.…

  • What Are You Reading

    This time, I *am* resorting to Plinky because otherwise I won’t get my post done. Also, I only have 23 minutes! Go! Since I recently did a post about what was on my end table (which included my children’s reading and things that have been sitting there for years), I must now own up to…

  • Things I Learned Today

    A Honda Civic without snow tires cannot get to Gampo Abbey in early March. That’s it, really. Oh, wait. Don’t get too attached to outcomes. I’m trying not to be too disappointed, but really, I’m disappointed. The Abbey is only open a few days a year, and they were giving out the practice booklets today,…

  • The Price Of Gas!

    Oh! It is time to run in circles and flap our hands! Gas is going up! Food will cost more! Who could ever have predicted this??? Here is one of the places where the division between structural analysis and the personal impact becomes glaring. It has become apparent to me over the last few years…

  • Menu According to Four-Year Old

    You may have caught the quick pass on twitter/fb: My youngest child turned four today. We had a good time, low key. He got a new Wii game and spent a larger time than normal playing computer games. (Dora Saves the Crystal Kingdom!) and stayed up way too late reading. In the grand tradition of…

  • Imagine

    That’s what I’ve got tonight. John Lennon already said everything I want to say, and he did it in under 4 minutes. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-b7qaSxuZUg] (My son asked why my daughter was in this video. Apparently she and I look like John Lennon. It is not the first time this observation has been made.)

  • Roadtrip Metaphor (Remixed)

    I am not home. Fortunately, I am holed up in a motel in Aberdeen, Cape Breton. There is a motivational poster above my head that says, “Destiny.” I don’t quite know how to interpret that. I was caught by a storm. It’s not that I didn’t know a storm was coming; it’s that it wasn’t…

  • Road Tripping

    I am 2/3 of the way through the three-day trip from Toronto to Albert Bridge. I can’t say that I’m enthusiastic about getting back into the car. I do love these long drives. If only my SI joint agreed, my ability to perform the solo road trip would be supreme. I could do this for…

  • Trebuchet!

    The last PD day that it was sunny, we took advantage of the situation to assemble and fire one of the miniature trebuchets that we received for Christmas. We are the type of family that received two trebuchets from different sources. We had a great time firing it, so we recorded our fun and games…

  • Two Sides of One Hallway

    The picture I took because I didn’t think you would believe me:

  • Observations on an Urban Campus

    30,000 people live, work, and study here. It is a university. If you were to walk into the soaring atrium of the central campus building, and were to stand for a moment, and really notice where you were, you would know that you had entered a temple. In ancient days such an edifice would be…

  • Who Wants to be a Billionaire?

    I’ve had this song stuck in my head since I went dancing last weekend: (Contains the word “fuck” a couple of times. Visuals completely acceptable in public.) [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8aRor905cCw] I started off thinking, “But, I don’t want to be a billionaire.” Now that I’ve read the lyrics, and watched the video, I’m smitten. Love the song,…