What Are You Reading

This time, I *am* resorting to Plinky because otherwise I won’t get my post done. Also, I only have 23 minutes! Go!

Since I recently did a post about what was on my end table (which included my children’s reading and things that have been sitting there for years), I must now own up to what I am actually reading. I also glanced into my laptop case earlier this evening, and thought, “Well, now that combination is blog worthy.” How fortuitous.

Currently in the laptop case:

  • God is Not One
  • Postmodernism: A very short introduction
  • My particle physics textbook, because somebody asked me a question about the Standard Model on a previous blog post, and I have a response brewing.
  • A ringbound notebook to get me to write for longer periods without checking twitter.
  • Two pieces from The Vagina Monologues which I am preparing for Tuesday’s performance.

I also discovered that I had started Schopenhauer’s Essay on the Freedom of the Will a few weeks ago, but it had been eaten by my endtable. I got hung up on the definition of “necessary,” (which word I now fear I have been using incorrectly my entire life,) and therefore failed to complete the essay. I will now scold myself roundly and get back down to brass tacks.

And because I’m not a complete academic snob, somewhere around here there is a fun little diversion called the Dim Sum of All Things. It’s Asian-American chick lit, I think.

Phew. Three minutes left, even with links.

4 responses to “What Are You Reading”

  1. Actually, I just LOVE seeing these sorts of posts every now and then, because it helps me find books I wouldn’t otherwise. I’ll definitely be looking up some on your list… not the physics text though!

    Yesterday I started a new novel by Jasper Fforde, called “Shades of Grey”, in the comic-science-fiction genre. Other than that, I keep plugging away at my physiology texts.

    • I am a big fan of Jasper Fforde, also. But I am a dipper: I rarely read more than one book by a single author unless there is a compelling reason. So many authors, so little time. Maybe I should make a list of the few authors I keep going back to. 🙂

  2. I am reading a kiln manual and a geeky glaze chemistry book. In a vain attempt to find the scientific reason why my favourite glaze has suddenly changed personalities.