Tag: poem

  • Poem: With Apologies to Erica Jong

    With Apologies to Erica Jong… And our other foremothers who spent our childhoods storming the gates of power so that when we came of age, they would stand open, gaping before us, beckoning. And to my sisters who ran with me towards the maw, firmly convinced that this. This. was the key to it all.…

  • Poem: The Morning After

    The Morning After… Awaking in a rented bed The morning after the Wedding He gazes upon his Newly Minted Bride “Do you take cream in your coffee?” he poses “I do,” she replies and Grins

  • Poem: Calling in…

    For a change of pace: Bad beat poetry about universities. Calling in… Apathetic. I’m too tired. And my chest hurts anyway. And somehow I just don’t care. About your priorities, And all your pet projects, And the fact that you guys just can’t Get it together. So you’ll buy a $60,000 multimedia Whiz-bang high def…

  • Poem: Fenris Unbound

    Fenris Unbound It all begins with an innocent act. Original sin of the kingdom:                                               Eat. Read red nature,            Tooth and claw. Life flows across our lips, cruel wisdom. And we know, dread-full This too shall pass. Hope glimmers at the edge of his hearing And he comes to us in dreams,    Whispering…    (All…

  • Poem: Headline

    Headline (c. 2002) Through the slick-slack wipers, I see the transport ahead of me Fishtail. But what passes before my eyes Is not my life, but my Headline. And what does it say, this epitaph By which I will be known To the City of Toronto (if only for a day)? Scientist? Writer? Singer, lover…

  • What I Learned from Foucault

    (II) I have known the thrill (!) of being in the wrong, For I have claimed Power That was never mine to take.