Tag: food

  • Rolling With It

    Yesterday, I passed a test, I think. First, I managed to lock myself out of the library at which I am the sole employee. Specifically, I left the key in my car, which my husband borrowed and then failed to return at the expected time. When I went to get the spare key, the keeper…

  • Eat Those Dandelions

    Tonight we foraged in our yard. At least partly. The menu this evening was quiche made with dandelion greens, fresh basil that has been growing in a pot in our living room since February, and eggs from our chickens. Thanks are due to one of my friends, who recommended blanching the leaves. Last time I…

  • The Elitism Question

    “Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.” Michael Pollan’s advice on what to eat from the New York Times, which has turned out to be surprisingly controversial. Real food? Everybody knows that’s just for the wealthy elite… Berkshire pork and morels at $180 an ounce, right? Something like that… certainly no relevance to the average…

  • Faster Food

    Feeling contrary and sick, I don’t want to talk about the election or Osama bin Laden today, so I’m going to talk about food instead. Here is my strategy for using convenience foods that don’t have extra ingredients to put dinner on the table in under half an hour. These are not gourmet meals, but…

  • Ice Cream Dreaming

    Today’s Daily Prompt was: “Describe the unhealthiest meal you’ve ever eaten. How did you feel afterwards?” I probably can’t dredge up the True Answer to this question, being the one that could be verified by friends and family. It probably includes nachos, though. I will, nonetheless, tell you about my favourite unhealthy meal, because it…

  • Menu According to Four-Year Old

    You may have caught the quick pass on twitter/fb: My youngest child turned four today. We had a good time, low key. He got a new Wii game and spent a larger time than normal playing computer games. (Dora Saves the Crystal Kingdom!) and stayed up way too late reading. In the grand tradition of…

  • But is it Technology?

    My daughter and I were working on her social studies project last night about technologies that are important to her. She had to have 10 pictures to paste onto a piece of paper, and to be able to talk about why she picked them. She quite quickly looked around our house and recognized that pretty…

  • Cheese, comma, pictures of.

    I was having a hard day of writing earlier in the week, and I wrote (in an early draft of one of my posts), “It’s OK. If this doesn’t work out, I can just post a picture of a cheese tray or something.” Then I realised that I do, in fact, have a recent picture…

  • Exotic Spices meet Local Food

    Right this moment, I’m waiting for the motor on my spice grinder to cool down so that I can make another batch of curry powder to take to our local farmer’s market. In a much earlier post, I wrote about the challenges we face balancing our desires for local, organic, sustainably produced, and healthy food…

  • My Embarassing Inventory

    Ooooh! Shiny new fridge. Restocking shiny new fridge involves pulling out the contents of the old fridge. I discover: 3 jars of pesto 2 jars each of black olive tapenade capers pear chutney baby dills black sesame seeds umeboshi plums mincemeat, one of which I just opened last night. 5 containers of olives, 3 of…

  • Maura Kelly is Wrong

    On the off chance that you haven’t seen the controversy over at Marie Claire, Maura Kelly came out with a truly appalling, distressing, and honest piece of writing this week. She doesn’t like looking at fat people. She really, really doesn’t like looking at fat people kissing one another. And she compares being overweight to…

  • My Own Omnivore’s Dilemma: no acceptable solution

    Welcome to the July Carnival of Natural Parenting: Let’s Talk About Food This post was written for inclusion in the monthly Carnival of Natural Parenting hosted by Code Name: Mama and Hobo Mama. This month our participants have written about their struggles and successes with healthy eating. Please read to the end to find a…