Poem: Fenris Unbound

Fenris Unbound

It all begins with an innocent act.
Original sin of the kingdom:

Read red nature,
           Tooth and claw.
Life flows across our lips, cruel wisdom.
And we know, dread-full

This too shall pass.

Hope glimmers at the edge of his hearing
And he comes to us in dreams,
   (All striving away from this ignoble truth)
“It will end.”

Deny! Deny (if you must),
        Rage, perhaps.
                  This light will die.

Look away.
           Eclipsed, the eye’s bright Aversion
           The truth shall –

A sleight of mind: I want.

(This shop holds the Future! Act now!
Get yours before you get

Left out
    Left behind
         Left over
     Passed over
Passed away. )

                            I need.

“Choose wisely,” he whispers,
          a sleight of paw to match the mind, 
          weakening the unbreakable
“Dulce et decorum est pro patria…”

Mangia. Mangia bene.
                                  Chews well?

2 responses to “Poem: Fenris Unbound”

  1. I chews life! I chews the sun who lives in all living things.

    Take. Eat. This is the sun who is in all life that is freely given for you. Eat this and remember (the source).