Book Review: Modern Top-Down Knitting

I love, I love, I love this book. I covet everything in it. The descriptions of the techniques are detailed, the patterns are gorgeous, and the clothes are up-to-the-minute and stylin’. Also, her sizes go from XS to XXL, and my 40″ bust puts me somewhere in the middle, so these are going to work for a wide range of people.

I do have to confess that I haven’t actually *knit* anything out of this book, so I can’t speak to the accuracy of the instructions. I sort of read patterns like reading programming code, though, and they seem pretty strict. There may be small bugs, but you aren’t going to wind up with two left sleeves (like in some books I have used that will go unmentioned.) There are no men’s or kids’ clothes here. Just lots of fashionable, sharp, well fitting women’s items. If you have a keen (female) knitter on your list who likes big projects… or hats… or knitting in the round… or looking at really pretty pictures, this book would be a good choice. (I borrowed it from the library. You could tell my husband that. Hint, hint.)

3 responses to “Book Review: Modern Top-Down Knitting”

  1. If someone were interested in sending your husband a copy of this book, what would be the best address to use? 🙂

    • Oooh! I’m so excited to see you here. 🙂 It’s like a rock star came for dinner.
      Seriously? I can send you a mailing address. (I would send you pictures of my knitting!)

  2. Hi! You don’t have to post this reply (I’ve searched everywhere for your e-mail and haven’t been able to find it!) but I’d absolutely like to send you a copy of the book — I appreciate your kindness a lot. My e-mail is
