Anybody Want a Letter?

I was listening to a radio bit on Christmas cards, and then when I asked somebody for a recipe, he said he would mail it to me… so I gave him my address. And then I thought, “Letters! Those pieces of mail that don’t include a request for money. What a novel idea!”

And then I thought, “To whom would I write?”

And then I thought, “I bet that the people who read my blog would like to get a real letter.”

And thus I decided that next year, I will mail one letter every week. A paper letter! One that is written for one person only. So, if you would like to receive one of my weekly paper letters, leave me a comment here, and send three questions to seonaid at along with a physical address at which a letter could reach you. I will send you one! (At some point in 2012. First 52 takers.)

13 responses to “Anybody Want a Letter?”

    • Certainly… and if there are any questions you would like to ask me, you can send those along, too. G+? (I think that’s how we are connected, no?)

  1. An physical letter, delivered via post, written just for me? I can’t recall the last time I received one that met all these criteria. I would love a letter in 2012, Seonaid. Count me in!

  2. Oddly, I just ordered a book of stamps online because I had an urge to send more things through the post. I’ve done art postcard exchanges with groups of friends and it was amazing. If you send me a letter I’ll send something back as well.
    jeannie lindsay, 25 millbrook rd, asheville nc 28806
    (no, I don’t mind posting my address online.)