Selling Education (Part 1)
As I may have mentioned, I have spent much of the last 8 months immersed in marketing courses. There’s a knack to marketing, but it’s not rocket science… and I would know.(1) It makes perfect sense. Figure out what you have that’s worth selling, to whom, and how to find and contact those people that…
On Genius, Enlightenment and The Voices
There is a Buddhist fable about a traveller who arrives at an enlightened sage. “Please, master,” he says. “Please. I want to know how to become enlightened.” “Are you sure?” asks the sage. “Oh, yes. Absolutely.” “Are you willing to go through whatever it takes?” “Anything. I’ll do anything.” The sage looked him in the…
Don’t Link to Your Blog. Ever.
(Anita: Don’t read this. It’ll just piss you off. This warning is only for Anita. And it’s only on account of you don’t want me to worry so much what other people think. I don’t think it is a generally pissing-off kind of post.) I have recently started hanging out a fair amount on Google+.…
The Story That Needs Telling
I signed up for the Trust30 writing prompts for the month of June. The first prompt was this: “We are afraid of truth, afraid of fortune, afraid of death, and afraid of each other. Our age yields no great and perfect persons. – Ralph Waldo Emerson You just discovered you have fifteen minutes to live.…
Poem: Advice from the Inner Critic
Advice from the Inner Critic Love?!? Love’s been done to death. Nobody’s had anything new to say In 60 generations. And how do you plan to avoid The cheese-traps, Running mouse-like through The maze of metaphors? No. Best to steer clear, Dance around the edges. Leave love to the experts.
On Pickles, Particle Physics, and Work-Life Balance
When I started writing this post, I felt pretty good. I had a great day. I made the pickles that have been sitting in brine for the last 5 days. I wrote about nuclear physics for 2 hours, refreshed my memory on alpha and beta decay, and came up with a good analogy. I had…
Off My Game
I keep starting new posts, and they get so big and out of control and problematic, and I’ve written myself into a corner and I can’t find my way back out and, OH! It is the sheer amount of input. I’m overwhelmed, trying to make sense of natural disasters, a flood of articles sent my…
Word Wrangling
I’m having a weird high-tech/low-tech moment. Here I am, curled up in an easy chair in front of a woodstove with a cat in my lap, and writing. But not with a pen and paper; here I am, writing on a laptop that is connected to the rest of the world only through the power…
Writing as a Gratitude Practice
I walked into my own “library” last fall, before I started writing in earnest, and standing there, I was overcome with a moment of gratitude for those who have come before, and who have had the kindness to write it all down. I realized that I have before me more of the vastness of human…
What is True?
Follow your dreams! Do what you love and the money will follow! The universe has a plan. What makes you so special? Everybody else just sucks it up and goes to work. The universe is meaningless. There is a God, and we know what He wants. There is no God. There might be a god,…
More Time at the Office
It is a common expression: Nobody on their death bed ever wished that they spent more time at the office. I woke up pondering that one morning last week, after a Christmas break spent deeply immersed in home life, kids, mess, and chickens. I want to tell you a secret. Sometimes, I wish that I…
Now, With 100% More Madness
Want to write more? Write more. So sayeth the boosters over at WordPress. So in a fit of madness (and knowing that failure is, in fact, an option) I have tagged this with PostADay2011. In case you didn’t parse that long neologism, it means that I have ventured to post something every day. For the…