Tag: time

  • Rebellion! Doing things for their own sake.

    Rebellion! Doing things for their own sake.

    How do you decide, of all the infinite things you could be doing, what you should do? What if… you just did things you wanted to do?

  • Do One Thing

    As we approach the time of Too Many Things in the Dark of the Year, I suggest that you pick one thing to focus on for the next week – and when you are doing that thing, do only that thing. (This can be as simple as paying attention to the first few bites of…

  • Five Years and Thirty Courses Later

    After several years of false starts, I finally finished a project for my business and launched it. Now I’m afraid to tell anyone. If you have been around a while, you probably know that I’ve set off down several paths of self-employment, but eventually balked, changed my mind, and started over. I have hinted at…

  • A Poem for Perspective

    The Dawn of Understanding (I Hope) At the point of urgency, The call to action, When I Know that Everything I’ve done until Now Has been mere Preparation for this Moment It happens that I Stop. And I realize that Those moments of mere Preparation, were (in their time) the Most Important Thing.