Tag: spring

  • Spring Comes, Eventually, With Birds

    We’re just going to pretend May didn’t exist, ‘k? I might talk about it sometime, but suffice it to say that it was a month of profound imbalance, lived largely in vehicles and including an astonishing number of grabbed meals on-the-run, and the gaining of 10 pounds. I’m cranky, irritable, and generally not much fun…

  • Eat Those Dandelions

    Tonight we foraged in our yard. At least partly. The menu this evening was quiche made with dandelion greens, fresh basil that has been growing in a pot in our living room since February, and eggs from our chickens. Thanks are due to one of my friends, who recommended blanching the leaves. Last time I…

  • Weekly Photo Challenge: Ocean

    Oooh! Ocean! I have one of those! (You know, the same way that one can have a sky, or a constellation, which is that I can look at one with a reasonable expenditure of energy) Our ocean is moody and cold: There is honesty in naming in action, at the Polar Bear Beach. I didn’t…

  • Weekly Photo Challenge: Spring Cleaning

    It is the time of the year when young beekeepers minds turn to thoughts of honey. Not harvesting honey, not honey for people, but… whether there is going to be enough honey left in the hive to keep the bees alive until the flowers are in bloom. It is a great sadness to get the…

  • Signs of Spring

    1. We can find the remaining firewood (it’s all in disarray because we finally had to get the plow in, and it was by the edge of the driveway): 2. Sliding now involves an actual slide: 3. The garden beds are reappearing. We’re thinking cranberries: 4. The annual construction season has started: 5. Dreams of…