Tag: self

  • Gluons Make me Dance

    Why teaching about gluons made me hop up and down in front of a class of undergraduates.

  • Why Dilettante?

    Dilettante: (according to Merriam Webster): an admirer or lover of the arts a person having a superficial interest in an art or a branch of knowledge When I first drafted this post, I began with a list of the projects and activities that I have worked on, played with, or investigated since July, but it…

  • My Feminism Includes Foucault

    Or, Why My Blog Will Never Make Money My story may be so common as to be trite. There’s nothing special about “Intelligent young woman scuppers academic career to support husband and children”. Oh, what the hey, let’s throw a “promising” in there for good measure. You can choose where. I like to think of…

  • A lifetime of reading

    Recently, I happened to score a job taking inventory while working at a very small library. It turned out that “my” library contained approximately the number of books I have read in my lifetime. [FN] So, here it is, a lifetime of reading, gathered together in one place: Now, this in no way reflects my…

  • This Post is Solar Powered

    I am writing to you, finally, from the studio out back of my house. This studio is not connected to anything; it is, in fact, a shed, into which I have placed a desk, a bed, a rocking chair and a large pile of incomplete writing and textile projects. It is not a dingy shed,…