Tag: PostADay2011

  • 14 Things I Do Well

    This is a prompt I gave to Fast approaching middle age in a comments section. It was, specifically, “14 things I do well, now that I’m old enough to get it”, whether “it” is practice, space, time, or whatever else comes with getting to certain ages. I wouldn’t go back to my 20’s if you…

  • Whither Spring?

    I’m hiding in my basement. The woodstove is cooking up a storm, and we are baking bread to warm up the main living space of the house. April is a hard month around here.(1) It rains. And it rains. And it rains some more. The wood pile is depleted so we are on heat rationing.…

  • Sunk Costs – More About Nuclear Power

    Edit: It occurs to me that I neglected to mention that I used to work in the nuclear field. Just in case that might be relevant to whether you are going to write me off as a crank, or something. Not that I’m not cranky. But I’m an informed crank. *** Also known as, “Throwing…

  • Not Really Breastfeeding

    To the author who (while telling a story, in her own post) followed up: “How long did you breastfeed?” with the additional question: “No, how long did you exclusively breastfeed?” *** I’m trying to say this in the kindest way possible, because I think we both want the same thing, which is for people to…

  • Advocacy? Me?

    Welcome to the April Carnival of Natural Parenting: Compassionate Advocacy This post was written for inclusion in the monthly Carnival of Natural Parenting hosted by Code Name: Mama and Hobo Mama. This month our participants have shared how they advocate for healthy, gentle parenting choices compassionately. Please read to the end to find a list…

  • Paying Attention for $$$!

    (I’m going to tell you how much I spend on utilities, in real dollars! Eventually.) This is a part of my daily life that has been growing for years, so I think it deserves a mention. It’s partially frugal, partially environmental, and partially an exercise in testing limits – how little can we use? It…

  • What I Watch Instead of TV*

    I was looking for a photo for today’s post, when I realized that the entire set of photos was a pretty good idea of my day. Yesterday, I caught myself staring at the solar panels, watching the reflections of the clouds and the thin film interference. I mentioned to my husband that I can watch…

  • Slowing Down

    A radical, heretical proposal to our energy problems. Use less energy.

  • Poem: Advice from the Inner Critic

    Advice from the Inner Critic Love?!? Love’s been done to death. Nobody’s had anything new to say In 60 generations. And how do you plan to avoid The cheese-traps, Running mouse-like through The maze of metaphors? No. Best to steer clear, Dance around the edges. Leave love to the experts.

  • Weekly Photo Challenge: Light

    Solar panel with clouds, shadow, and cat footprints

  • Beauty All the Way Down

    This is a post about structures. It is a post about illusions. It is a post about what lies beneath the apparent beauty of our privileged culture, and what else might be possible. It is a post about beauty as a way out of our current crises. What is in a rose? This flower that…

  • On Uranium – Briefly

    Can nuclear power get us out of this mess? I am working on a series on nuclear power for the near future, but I’m totally tipping my hand by starting with uranium supplies. The International Atomic Energy Association’s projections in 2000 showed possible shortages as early as the late 2020’s/early 2030’s if there were dramatic…