Tag: PostADay2011

  • Faster Food

    Feeling contrary and sick, I don’t want to talk about the election or Osama bin Laden today, so I’m going to talk about food instead. Here is my strategy for using convenience foods that don’t have extra ingredients to put dinner on the table in under half an hour. These are not gourmet meals, but…

  • PostADay is 1/3 done

    They tell me over at PostADay that we are 1/3 of the way there. Well, I’m 1/3 minus 2, or something. I think that there were a couple of days there with bonus posts, so it will all even out in the end. Also, if you’ve been with me for the long haul, you’ve probably…

  • Ice Cream Dreaming

    Today’s Daily Prompt was: “Describe the unhealthiest meal you’ve ever eaten. How did you feel afterwards?” I probably can’t dredge up the True Answer to this question, being the one that could be verified by friends and family. It probably includes nachos, though. I will, nonetheless, tell you about my favourite unhealthy meal, because it…

  • What the Internet is Really For

    Everybody keeps telling me that it’s all about the cats. [slideshow] Feel free to generate LOL captions.

  • Analyze This: On Not Giving Stuff Up

    This post comes with a caveat: It is an exploration of systems, the limits of agency, and the social constructs that  preclude giving up my car… yet. I am not looking for sympathy, nor am I beating myself up over my limitations in the face of the myths of Western civilization. I recognize that I…

  • A Grand Scheme

    After ten straight hours of bingeing on chocolate eggs, what eventually hatched was a scheme. Lacking a phaeton-and-four, it was a simple plan. (The author has just finished a Jane Austen book, and is thinking of seasides, horse-drawn carriages, and misadventures that result in stays of se’ennight, ending in marriage.) It began as a casual…

  • Weekly Photo Challenge: One

    For the Weekly Photo Challenge

  • Greenwashing of the Week

    I am hereby bestowing my illustrious “Greenwashing” award, which will be noted by at least 50 people, to the company Future Shop, for their not-quite-stated Earth Day flyer. It is hard for me to write this, because they have pulled off the most creative and effective form of greenwashing, namely, making a significant financial contribution…

  • One thing too many

    I have a recurring problem in my life, and it manifests everywhere. I happen to know that it is a common problem. I call it “one thing too many”. It works like this. I prune the contents of a room – any room, but lets assume my “office” since that was my most recent target.…

  • Weekly Photo Challenge: Lines

    In which I totally cheat, reuse an existing photo, and go so far as to backdate my entry. Oh, the shame of it all!

  • The Mythic They

    You probably wouldn’t guess it if you are newcomer to my world, but I am, by nature, a rules follower. I was that girl in school – didn’t cut class, got straight A’s, studied all the time, did the readings, followed all the rules. Let’s put it this way: I was the one that the…

  • Boring Old Weekends – Nothing But Life

    I missed my posts last weekend. I also missed yesterday’s post. It turns out that weekends are much, much busier than weekdays. I must not be the only person that is true for, since the blog stats go down on weekends. Presumably, you all are out living your lives, rather than reading about other people’s?…