Tag: chickens

  • Wordless Wednesday: Visitor

    In which the mystery of the dug-up seedlings on the deck is explained:

  • Spring Comes, Eventually, With Birds

    We’re just going to pretend May didn’t exist, ‘k? I might talk about it sometime, but suffice it to say that it was a month of profound imbalance, lived largely in vehicles and including an astonishing number of grabbed meals on-the-run, and the gaining of 10 pounds. I’m cranky, irritable, and generally not much fun…

  • Moments of Inattention

    We forgot to close up the chicken coop. It is one of our nightly tasks, along with putting children to bed, making dinner, bringing in the firewood. Every night, we must close up the chicken coop. Last night we had people around for dinner, my husband was out for the day, people were coming and…

  • The Chicken Rodeo

    The chickens got out about 15 minutes ago, as they do every few days. When one has livestock AND a garden, this is an urgent situation. Last fall they skeletonized two rows of chard the week that they were ready for the market. So, I dashed out the door and met my son, sticks in…

  • Not the Best Farm Day

    So, after the debacle with the greenhouse on Sunday, and reassurance from the farming community yesterday, this morning was spent taking the plastic off the defunct frame so that I can reuse it on a sturdier frame. While I was trucking the remains of the greenhouse back to the shed, I discovered the feathery remains…

  • A Mom Who Blogs?

    Just to be clear: I understand that I’m just about nobody in the “blogosphere”, so my reaction to the “Moms who blog” furor that recently hit after the NYT scoffed at us is a little less intense than that of women who are doing it for a living, as a calling, or for other reasons…

  • Happy Chickens

    We have a small (but growing) flock of laying hens. I was all keen on the fresh eggs, but I have been surprised to find out how much I love my chickens. They turn out to be really funny and affectionate (in a distant bird-kind-of-way). They come a-runnin’ to see what’s happening when somebody steps…