Don’t Link to Your Blog. Ever.
(Anita: Don’t read this. It’ll just piss you off. This warning is only for Anita. And it’s only on account of you don’t want me to worry so much what other people think. I don’t think it is a generally pissing-off kind of post.) I have recently started hanging out a fair amount on Google+.…
PostADay is 1/3 done
They tell me over at PostADay that we are 1/3 of the way there. Well, I’m 1/3 minus 2, or something. I think that there were a couple of days there with bonus posts, so it will all even out in the end. Also, if you’ve been with me for the long haul, you’ve probably…
You know what stat I really want?
This is a self-referential post, although I have managed to avoid making it recursive. For now. Check back later. I have been watching the stats on my blog with interest. (Oh, c’mon, bloggers. You know you do it, too.) They have been increasing consistently since I started posting on a regular basis last fall, and…
Off My Game
I keep starting new posts, and they get so big and out of control and problematic, and I’ve written myself into a corner and I can’t find my way back out and, OH! It is the sheer amount of input. I’m overwhelmed, trying to make sense of natural disasters, a flood of articles sent my…
The Story of
MeUsVia Chris Brogan, who said that it is important to keep telling the story of you to new readers. And probably to old ones, too. Below is the comment I left in response to the original post on Chris Brogan’s site. I know? Bold, eh? Hey, he asked. I’m a relative newcomer to “New Media,”…
Blogging our voyages
PostAday Bonus! Originally titled, “Still True” (From the XKCD Site: This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5 License. This means you’re free to copy and share these comics (but not to sell them). More details.) Last night I dreamed that I was driving around the world with my children. I was picking…
Could you live without the internet?
For a change of pace, I’m going to answer the Plinky question. It’s not for want of ideas, it’s just a good question. No suspense here: Yes. I could totally live without the internet. Unlike TV, cell phones, and constant access to music all around the clock, though, I wouldn’t *choose* to. We have a…
Word Wrangling
I’m having a weird high-tech/low-tech moment. Here I am, curled up in an easy chair in front of a woodstove with a cat in my lap, and writing. But not with a pen and paper; here I am, writing on a laptop that is connected to the rest of the world only through the power…
Not Your Regular Blog Tips
This post is intended for those of you who have signed up to provide the world with a post every day. For the year. First, just let me ask: What were you thinking? (My answer is over here.) Since you’ve signed up for the ultramarathon of blogging, I wanted to share with you some of…