Menu for a Blustery Solstice

We missed the lunar eclipse, hunkered, as we were, against a storm that included/includes 90 km/hr winds. I was up battening hatches at 4 o’clock this morning. This will continue for at least the next two days, apparently. There will be no white Christmas here. Hopefully our missing flock member will manage to make his way home, and not experience flight cancellations.

So, on a grey solstice, to honour the sun and the turning of the year, I offer the following menu:

  • Cheese platter for abundance, and feasting. Including a puff-pastry baked brie.
  • Challah (because nothing says Pagan like a Jewish egg bread braid)
  • Leek and Potato soup (with leeks from our garden)
  • Moosewood’s Vegetarian Mushroom Moussaka
  • Cachumba-inspired Mango and Cucumber salad
  • Chocolate custard
  • Cookies from the cookie exchange we went to yesterday
  • No doubt, additional contributions from the guests

We have been cooking all day in anticipation. This should take the chill off a not-very-cold, but very-nasty-indeed winter evening and fortify us well for the coming vigil. We might take it in shifts, since somebody still needs to be The Parent tomorrow. 🙂

Happy Yule! Merry Solstice! For pagans and astrophysicists, all!

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