Condensed Sunlight
We are condensed sunlight, breathing condensed sunlight, basking in (not condensed) sunlight, forged in cosmic fire, conversing with stars.
Rhythms of the Day
Rather than considering the “Ideal Day,” we think about what a series of days might look like in a well-lived life. Playing with the idea of rhythms, we know that we want to do more of some things, and less of others. These will add up to make a life in which more of the…
Motivation, Gold Stars, and Knowing Yourself
This week I’m talking about how to find the motivation to keep going with good habits… or maybe to get started in the first place. Confession Time I was surprised (and a bit embarrassed) to find that my meditation practice improved enormously after I started to use an app that gives me stars. There’s no…
Habits that Support Your Growth
This week, I talked about habits in my FB Live video. In it, I suggested three ways to set up your habit trackers to improve the probability of success. These derive from my own experience of So Many Years of using other people’s planners with only middling success, but also from looking at how other people…
There is No “They”
Let us leave aside, permanently, the possibility that you can do something that everybody will agree on. Who are you trying to impress? Who are you afraid of? When you say, “they” say, who is the formless, nameless “they” referring to? Doctors? Experts? Your parents or your teachers? The other parents at your kids’ school?…
What Do You Want?
How many of you have done visioning sessions? How many of you found yourself saying, “Well, I don’t really know what I want”? I’ve been writing about this a lot recently – in the book I’m working on, but also in today’s newsletter. Here, an introduction to the problem, a nod to the question of knowing…
You Need Whitespace!
You need to leave space for things to happen. I know it’s tempting to fill every moment of your day with activity, creating the illusion that you are in charge. You know what is going to happen, in what order, and what the outcome is going to be. Yet thousands of years of wisdom teachings…
Three Practices for a World in Turmoil
Three practices to help you clear grief and find your way back to action. I wish this post weren’t so consistently relevant.
Don’t Give People a Veto on your Peace of Mind
I’m sweeping my kitchen floor, spraying the bathroom with things, filling the sink, throwing laundry into the washing machine. My to-do list says that I’m writing at the moment, but my house has deteriorated while I’ve been working on big projects, and I really want it to be tidy. I even have, “House beautiful” down as…
The Living Well
(This was written a few days after the US election in 2016.) “Living well is the best revenge.” – attributed to George Herbert, but apparently it was already old in the 1600s I received a missive earlier in the week about connecting with our sexual energy in the face of the (frankly awful) situations in the world.…
When Things Fall Apart
I think it is safe to say that, for many of us, the world is not as (we hoped) it was before the U.S. election. And yes, it feels like something is falling apart. Our hopes, our sense of safety, our expectations of the future… all of these are up in the air, and our imaginations…