A Pick Me Up

I described this song as “not fluffy, but tough. And Canadian and rural… a lot like me, actually.”


And you, to whom adversity has dealt the final blow
With smiling bastards lying to you everywhere you go
Turn to, and put out all your strength of arm and heart and brain
And like the Mary Ellen Carter, rise again.

Also, my coffee is named after this song… so if you need a cup of coffee to go with the video, you can get the beans here:

As it happens, I was writing on the wharf in Louisbourg, NS this afternoon, and when I looked up, a boat was going past… and as I added the blue fishing boat to the list of things that gave me joy, I noticed that it was called, “Awaited Dream”.

And I teared up… just a little.

2 responses to “A Pick Me Up”

  1. I loved this story and the song, although I consider myself both fluffy AND tough, and although I think the safest way to avoid being sucked into a vortex in the ocean (or for that matter, eaten by sharks) is to stay on land. Which I do. But I’m all about some coffee.

  2. Oh this is lovely!!! I love that the name of the boat was Awaited Dream. I should start collecting boat names. There are some witty ones out there.