Tag: work

  • Thinking about Thinking

    You might not be surprised to hear that I’m big on metacognition. It’s one of my things. It might actually be my thing. I have struggled with this, because in the academic world I was brought up in, one does not become an expert in process, one becomes an expert in object. The topics in…

  • You know what stat I really want?

    This is a self-referential post, although I have managed to avoid making it recursive. For now. Check back later. I have been watching the stats on my blog with interest. (Oh, c’mon, bloggers. You know you do it, too.) They have been increasing consistently since I started posting on a regular basis last fall, and…

  • Talking Vaginas

    Oddly enough, this post is not the G-rated stuff of my normal daily routine. Please consider yourself warned. Although it’s almost entirely about acting, not sex. I went back onstage this week after a near-14-year hiatus. And what did I use to get my acting chops back in gear? Did I, perchance, go out for…

  • Finding the Holy Grail

    Before Holy Grail, Fix Cars, Ferry Children. After Holy Grail, Fix Cars, Ferry Children This week we finally got to a point that we’ve been working towards for the last twenty years: my husband got tenure. I think that this is an occasion that should include a ceremony involving funny hats, because lacking such ceremony,…

  • Keeping On Keeping On

    I’m not supposed to be here. Well, I’m supposed to be here, at my desk. But I’m supposed to be over there, in my word processor, working on my proposal for a radio documentary on E.F. Schumacher and appropriate technologies. But man. Demoralized. Here I am, reading a book that was published the year I…

  • Today is My 100th Post

    It’s hard not to get all meta with this blogging thing. I had another post written, and scheduled, but it was kind of a throwaway. Filling in the days sort of thing. Then I realized. Wow! 100 posts. Maybe I actually DO this thing, then. As you might suspect from my title, I’m a bit…

  • Working Joe

    Today, I woke up with one of my favourite Stan Rogers songs stuck in my head. I found a great rendition by his daughter (so they tell me!) on YouTube, so here you go! Beth Rogers, singing “Working Joe”… although I title it “Lazy Winter Afternoons” in my own head. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lZVZH0Ti1ZU] Tomorrow: On the problem…

  • Mama Wants a Table Saw

    On Friday, I built my son a new bed. Mostly. This is the semi-room that we refer to as “The Nook”. It is a 7’2″ by 7’3″ alcove off the main hallway. We suspect that it held a TV at some point before we lived here, since there is still a co-axial cable running through…

  • Twenty Years of Boredom

    30 minute challenge – Q&D blog post… I have been having a renewed relationship with lyrics and poetry of late (and when I say ‘of late’, I mean for the last 4 years or so.) I find myself reaching for snippets of poetry when faced with difficult ideas, situations, concepts… My high school English teachers…