Tag: truth

  • Off My Game

    I keep starting new posts, and they get so big and out of control and problematic, and I’ve written myself into a corner and I can’t find my way back out and, OH! It is the sheer amount of input. I’m overwhelmed, trying to make sense of natural disasters, a flood of articles sent my…

  • Taking a Deep Breath

    On social media conflagrations. OK. Yesterday, I was writing about the moral legitimacy of a particular trademark. Understandably, there has been a social media firestorm over this issue, as people feel that their contributions have been marginalized. In return, the owner of the trademarks has issued a press release accusing the bloggers of the community…

  • Book: Rational Mysticism

    Rational Mysticism? Surely she mistyped. But no, fair readers (I’ve been into the Austen recently), Rational Mysticism it is. I’ll give away the ending, shall I? “Mystical awe is the inverse of knowledge; it is a kind of anti-knowledge. Instead of seeing The Answer to the riddle of existence, you just see how impenetrable the…

  • On scripts, social performance, and knowing your place in the world

    “We are all born naked. The rest is drag.” Rupaul* We have these dual drives within, for Society and Self. Acceptance and Agency. We hear the messages: Strive… but not too high, or you will become vain. Succeed… within these boundaries. Find your tribe, and then stick with them. They know the ropes. But we…

  • But, Why???

    I presume that any of you who have a two-year old, or who have ever had regular contact with a two-year old, are familiar with the question in the title. Why, Mommy? Why you in a rush? Why you have to go to work? Why need money? Why need to pay bills? I was out…

  • What is True?

    Follow your dreams! Do what you love and the money will follow! The universe has a plan. What makes you so special? Everybody else just sucks it up and goes to work. The universe is meaningless. There is a God, and we know what He wants. There is no God. There might be a god,…

  • I Love You. Whatever that means.

    I find myself in the car, caught up in deep conversation, and I am hit by a wave of emotion. I look at my partner sitting next to me, and I put my hand on his knee. “I love you.” He grins. Then I say, “Even though I have no idea what that means.” And…

  • Never underestimate the power of a good bumper sticker

    Somewhere in southern Ontario, there is a black jeep whose bumper proudly proclaims, “Not all those who wander are lost.” I know this because I was behind it one day. I turned to my friend beside me and asked, “What do you think that means?” She said something witty about not following them. It happened…

  • In defense of Theory

    This is a very long article (word count 1800)  that I wrote several years ago to explain why I spend so much time immersed in theory, even though I am deeply concerned with practical implications. The examples are specific to education at the university level, but the idea of the connection between theory and practice…