Tag: local

  • The Troll and the Farmers Market

    alternately titled: “Be Careful, She Might Have a Blog.” Today somebody walked up to my table at the market, picked up a jar of my spices, said, “That’s too expensive,” and banged it back down onto the table. This was  the first time that somebody has been that abrupt about it in three years, and…

  • Little Steps to Home

    Sitting in the lounge at the mechanic’s this morning (don’t ask), I found myself in the company of a friendly sort, an older man who was definitely from here. I know this because as soon as I arrived, he asked me a question, I countered with a book, we chatted for about a minute, and…

  • Peak Oil and the Zombie Apocalypse

    Have you ever had this conversation? Amy: I’m sort of worried about this peak-oil thing. Bruce: Yeah. What are we going to do when we can’t afford to fill our cars? Amy: Well, groceries are going to get more expensive. Bruce: We might have to fix up those old bikes. Amy: And I guess that…

  • Weird Veggies

    I am firmly of the opinion that sustainable local eating requires more diversity in what is available locally. To that end, I am constantly experimenting with expanding the number of foods in my own backyard. I swear, one of these years I’m going to be successful with okra and melons. Today, however, the exotic food…