Tag: discipline

  • Here’s the Payoff

    Last night I was taking my 7-y.o. daughter to her first Taekwondo class, and my 11-y.o son asked to come along for the ride. In the car on the way the conversation turned to why she wanted to take it in the first place. “Well,” she said, “Christopher likes it. And I like a lot…

  • Maura Kelly is Wrong

    On the off chance that you haven’t seen the controversy over at Marie Claire, Maura Kelly came out with a truly appalling, distressing, and honest piece of writing this week. She doesn’t like looking at fat people. She really, really doesn’t like looking at fat people kissing one another. And she compares being overweight to…

  • Why Dilettante?

    Dilettante: (according to Merriam Webster): an admirer or lover of the arts a person having a superficial interest in an art or a branch of knowledge When I first drafted this post, I began with a list of the projects and activities that I have worked on, played with, or investigated since July, but it…

  • Poem: Headline

    Headline (c. 2002) Through the slick-slack wipers, I see the transport ahead of me Fishtail. But what passes before my eyes Is not my life, but my Headline. And what does it say, this epitaph By which I will be known To the City of Toronto (if only for a day)? Scientist? Writer? Singer, lover…