Spiritual Crosstraining
Last week I had the great opportunity to go to Gampo Abbey to attend a teaching by Pema Chodron on the subject of “Living by Vow”. Pema (as we affectionately know her) is an American Buddhist nun in one of the Tibetan lineages. As such, she is carrying forward a long tradition, with forms most ornate.…
Peaceful Practice
This was originally posted on The Peaceful Professional, another blog of mine which has apparently suffered catastrophic failure due to neglect. That is to say, I can’t find it any more, having made some errors in setting it up that I haven’t been able to repair. It is dead (for now), but the writing lives…
Not in New York
I went on a meditation semi-retreat this weekend. (That is, we went and studied/meditated all day, and then went home in between.) Like all my experiences of retreat, it was a lot like getting sandblasted. Gently. At the end of the first day, I went home and I cried. I felt so lonely, and I…
Me, Unedited
One of my previous posts touched off a stack of questions (all from one person). Since I answered them quickly, and rawly, and as honestly as I could… and since I’m working on the Ralph Waldo Emerson Trust30 prompts, which seem to be largely about being just so, I asked whether I could post the…
The Inevitable Path
I promised an article on Repetitive Stress today, but I’m having technical difficulties. You’ll understand if I manage to resolve them, or I’ll explain if I don’t. Like many of you, I have spent the weeks since Christmas cleaning all the things.(1) This included giving away many of the things. Yesterday, I gave away the…