Category: Ideas

  • It’s All Life

    You will be pleased to hear that I signed up for a writing challenge to lay out the Quest for 2016 over the course of the month of December. (I presume you will be pleased, since you are bothering to read. If you are not pleased, please pass by. We are a hedge.) It’s not…

  • Surfing (Metaphorically)

    I have long wanted to learn to surf, although I’m also terrified of it. (There are a lot of things like that in my life.) Please take this post as metaphor-from-a-distance, because watching other people surf has still given me some insight into how my life flows. First thing, before you can do awesome jumpy…

  • Spiritual Crosstraining

    Last week I had the great opportunity to go to Gampo Abbey to attend a teaching by Pema Chodron on the subject of “Living by Vow”. Pema (as we affectionately know her) is an American Buddhist nun in one of the Tibetan lineages. As such, she is carrying forward a long tradition, with forms most ornate.…

  • Re-Presentation

    I used this title for a unit I once designed on hybrid learning. We (as instructors/artists/writers) gather information, and knowledge, and patterns, and meta information about how we validate the information, and knowledge, and patterns. Then we turn it back out into the world, re-presenting (representing. Or if you’re all post-structural, (re)presenting.) “This is the world…